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                                                                                     Healthcare Consumables & Equipment

        Reliable performance amid the daily rigours

        of cleaning and sterilisation

        The true test of a Laryngoscope System is whether      Variety of Reprocessing Methods
        it can stand up to the rigours of repeated cleaning and   All Blades and Handle Shells can be cleaned and
        sterilisiation, yet still perform reliably to ensure a    sterilised in numerous ways including Steam Autoclave,
        successful intubation.                                 Cold Sterilant and Gas Plasma Systems.

        HEINE Classic+ Laryngoscopes and Handles are           Guaranteed Illumination
        specifically designed and manufactured in a way to     HEINE Classic+ Fiber Optic Laryngoscopes are
        withstand almost any cleaning and sterilisation method   constructed to withstand over 4,000 autoclave cycles
        and still perform. Time after time. Guaranteed.        with no light transmission degradation below 1,000 lux.
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