Page 215 - A4_Adelphi_bed_extras_brochure_20182
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Bure Rise & Go                         ™

                               Easily reachable hand controls  Ergonomic handles
        Stable                 The hand controls are located   Ergonomically designed handles
        The walker has anatomical   such that both of the carer’s or   that are steplessly adjustable
        cushions that provide relief   user’s hands can easily reach   in every direction for optimum   Folding armrests
        for shoulders, arms and the   them.              individual adaptation. This is   Bure Rise & Go’s anatomically
        neck and shift the focus to                      extremely important for stroke   designed armrests can be folded
        larger muscle groups such                        patients who can thus reach   out to provide the user with an easy
        as leg and chest muscles                         their ”usual” hand position.  means of reaching the handles
        instead. This improves                                                    during the standing manoeuvre.
        stability and makes the
        walker easier to steer.
                                                                                      The walker is designed to last a
                                                                                      long while. For example it has extra
        Flexible stepless adjustment
        Electrically driven height                                                    reinforcement bands around the arm rest
                                                                                      cushions to prevent them from splitting
        adjustment makes it easy                                                      from impacts to the side.
        to pre-set the walker to the
        desired height. Once the
        patient is standing in position
        the height can be steplessly
        adjusted for comfort and the
        proper support for an optimal
        walking configuration.

        Power Rise
        Bure Rise & Go is a unique                                                             Unique power rise harness
        aid for assisting patients or                                                          The power rise harness is
        users during the standing                                                              designed to reach as far
        manoeuvre. Personnel                                                                   down across the bottom
        burdens, and thus repetitive                                                           as possible. This provides
        strain injuries, are minimized.
                                                                                               optimum support which
                                                                                               results in a natural standing
        All Bure Rise & Go
        electrical components                                                                  Lockable castors
        have IP 66 international                                                               Bure Rise & Go has four
        protection ratings and                                                                 individually lockable castors
        can therefore be used                                                                  as standard.
        in wet spaces.
                                                              Leg support for the
                                                              standing manoeuvre
                                                              Bure Rise & Go is fitted with
            Stirrup for stability                             leg supports that make for a
            To provide extra safety Bure Rise & Go            better standing manoeuvre;
            is fitted with a stirrup to ensure the walker     they are height adjustable and
            remains stationary during the standing            can be moved aside simply
            manoeuvre.                                        to create greater space.

                                                                            Handbrakes and directionally lockable castors
                  Open, reinforced design                                   There are one or two optional hand brakes that can
                  The open design provides the same stability but with greater room for   be positioned so that the user can reach them from
                  manoeuvre. The patient does not feel shut in and it makes assistance with   the walking position. The handbrakes act on the
                  standing up and dressing easier. Bure Rise & Go is also reinforced and   rear castors and the directional locks make it easier
                  extended for extra stability during the standing manoeuvre.  for the user to stay on course while walking.

                                                                          CE tested and approved according to SS-EN 12182:1999
        Product Code     Product  Name                 Length  Width   Height     Internal Dimension  Max User Weight
          Technical specifications
          Dimensions apply to walkers with 125 mm castors.ll Walker
                                                                           Tested and approved according to SS-EN 12182:1999
        RHGA-56-316      Bure Rise & Go Stand Ta        92cm    77cm    97-137cm  34-67cm          150kg
                         *Does not include Walker Belt
           Part No.                         Width, external   Max user weight   Length   Height  Armrests/inside dimension
        RHGA-56-384-M    Walker Belt - Medium           Size: 105 - 120cm
           56-316     Bure Rise & Go StandTall walker   77 cm   150 kg  92 cm   97-137 cm    34-67 cm
                         (required for Bure Rise & Go)
           56-383     Footplate Rise & Go   -           150 kg        -         -         -
                         Walker Belt - Large
        RHGA-56-384-L  Harness (available in size S, M, L)  -  - Size: 110 - 140cm -  -   -
                         (required for Bure Rise & Go)
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